Wednesday, August 14, 2013

AP summer assignment week 6

                                                         Bilateral symmetry
This is the perfect example of bilateral symmetry because the definition of bilateral symmetry is the property of being divisible into symmetrical halves. Also as you can see that this leaf has a line that divides both sides, and they can be easily divided in half which makes it become a good example of Bilateral symmetry.

                                                              Connective Tissue
My sisters ear is an example of connective tissue because the definition of connective tissue is tissue that connects,supports,binds, or seperate other tissues or organs. Plus the humans ear is a huge example of connective tissue because it is connected to so many other tissues in the humans head.

                                          Auxin producing area of a plant
The Auxin producing area of a plant is basically the plant bud, auxin is a hormone that is made by plants,specifically in areas where a new root is growing. This is where this plant originally sprung up from.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Ap bio summer assignment week 5

This is a perfect example of coevolution, because coevolution is when both sides positively benefits from each other. For example bees pollinate plants for it to survive and then the bees positively benefits from the pollination of the plants. So they basically depend on eachother for their own survival.
                                                  Modified stem of a plant
This just shows the stem of a plant that i dug up from outside. This is just to show what a modified stem of this plant looks like. Hopefully this picture is clear enough for you to see the stem of this plant.

In this picture is just a pot filled with oil, then i poured some water in there, and this is the result i received. You can see that the oil is hydrophobic because as you can see the oil repels from the water,and they dont mix at all. Which is why the oil is Hydrophobic.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

AP BIO summer assignment week 4

This is a perfect example of homeostasis. The definition of homeostasis is the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium. This is one way the body actually gets back to that stable equilibrium. I took this picture after a little workout that i did and whats going on is that since i was working out so much my body began to over heat, and to get my body back to its normal temperature my skin began to respirate and i start to sweat and this is how the body cools down to get back to its normal state.
                                                         Adaptation of a plant
This shows the adaptation of a plant because i happened to notice this plant outside, and it seemed to be growing vastly, i had never seen these plants before so i figured that someone may have planted them or they grew back up from the roots after being cut. Since there were now large amounts of these plants growing you can really tell that it began to adapt to its environment around it, and it began to reproduce more.

This is a good example of a eukaryote because an eukaryote is an oganism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA. Plus we know that plants reproduce asexually but they do contain DNA, which they pass on to their other plants and trees as well. Prime examples of Eukaryotes are humans, animals, plants fungi etc.