Friday, July 26, 2013

AP Bio summer assignment week 3

Amniotic Eggs
These are chicken eggs that i have in my refrigerator which are good examples of  amniotic eggs because animals such as chickens and birds, reproduce and give birth by laying amniotic egss, which contains yolk to basically nurture them.

                                               Anther & filament of stamen
This was a picture that we took before going to the arboretum, where i was able to catch a quick photo of anthers,in this photo it has the stamen that consists of the anther, and the filament. Also the anther produces the pollen, and the filament provides support to the anthers.
After doing some research on types of enzymes, my research proved that milk had enzymes in it. They are called milk enzymes that make up the milk itself. These enzymes i believe dont help with digestion, but my research said that milk does indeed contain enzymes.

Friday, July 12, 2013

AP Bio summer blog post week 2

                                                        Asexual Reproduction
                       This is Asexual reproduction because that day when we took the trip to the arboretum, i happened to notice the pollen laying on the ground, and i asked beth if this would be a type of reproduction because they look like seeds. I was correct that is how they reproduce on its own so this is considered Asexual Reproduction.

                    This is an example of parasitism because, when i was observing this plant i happened to notice that it had some holes in it. I came up with a fast conclusion that this plant must have had predators. So these holes in the plant were probably from a predator that eats it which leaves those marks after they feed on the plant.

                  This photo is an example of population, because while i was in the cafeteria i happened to notice a population of hungry ants feeding on a piece of muffin that had fell on the gound. Then you could of infered that they were probably family that went out to find something to eat. This is considered a population.