Friday, July 12, 2013

AP Bio summer blog post week 2

                                                        Asexual Reproduction
                       This is Asexual reproduction because that day when we took the trip to the arboretum, i happened to notice the pollen laying on the ground, and i asked beth if this would be a type of reproduction because they look like seeds. I was correct that is how they reproduce on its own so this is considered Asexual Reproduction.

                    This is an example of parasitism because, when i was observing this plant i happened to notice that it had some holes in it. I came up with a fast conclusion that this plant must have had predators. So these holes in the plant were probably from a predator that eats it which leaves those marks after they feed on the plant.

                  This photo is an example of population, because while i was in the cafeteria i happened to notice a population of hungry ants feeding on a piece of muffin that had fell on the gound. Then you could of infered that they were probably family that went out to find something to eat. This is considered a population.

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